


Cedarville’s distinctly Christian BA in Spanish will equip you to read, 写, 说话, 能听懂西班牙语口语. 你会获得文化上的理解, learning the ability and skillset required to interact appropriately in a variety of social contexts. 学习语言,历史, and literature of the Hispanic peoples will also provide you with opportunities to practice their language skills and gain appreciation for the contributions and values of Hispanic culture.

Spanish represents the primary language spoken by more than 400 million people in 22 countries around the world. The United States is now the second largest Spanish-说话ing country in the world, 仅次于墨西哥. 说另一种语言的能力 and relate well in a variety of cultural contexts is an essential 21st century skill, 无论你从事什么职业或领域.

如果你想学习西班牙语作为次要重点, 沙巴体育的西班牙语辅修课程将提高你的技能. 你会对这门语言有更深的理解, 提高你的阅读和写作能力. Even in simple ways like helping a Spanish 说话er find what they need at the grocery store, you'll be able to use your Spanish skills to connect with others and honor God.

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  • 圣经的世界观

    The Bible is the authority for research and study in every class you'll take.
  • 辅导基督教教师

    You'll be taught by highly-credentialed professors who want you to succeed.
  • 最高安置率

    Our graduates achieve top career and grad school placement rates — 10% above the national average.



圣经 — Your Spanish courses will give you a variety of opportunities to integrate your faith with your language study, from memorizing Bible verses and preparing to share your faith in Spanish, 考察文化习俗 and exploring contemporary issues like immigration from a biblical, Christian worldview. Your senior capstone course will focus on original research on a topic evaluated from a biblical perspective as well. 如果你选择进入一个服务 职业, 比如社会工作或医疗保健, you will learn how to be a “cultural bridge” between service providers and clients.

医疗选择 -通过添加 医学西班牙语证书. This 提供了 you with specific health-related vocabulary and cultural understanding through coursework and clinical 经验s interacting 西班牙裔患者.

互补 — Since the Spanish major comprises only 34 credits (beyond Elementary Spanish), 它是对其他学科专业的独特补充, 比如商业, 任务, 心理学, 国际 研究、平面设计、社会工作、刑事司法等等.

快速通道 — You may be able to receive credit for prior study in Spanish through Advanced Placement credit (up to 21 hours), 大学水平考试课程(CLEP)(最多15小时), 或者通过我们的内部测试信用 西班牙语分级考试(不同). 如果你通过这些方法中的任何一种获得学分, 你就不需要在沙巴体育上那些相应的课程了, 节省你的时间和金钱.

跨文化经验 — You will be encouraged to enhance your program by participating in an approved cross-cultural 经验, 比如出国留学项目或全球拓展之旅. 沙巴体育有一个合作社 瓦伦西亚西班牙研究所的项目, 西班牙, 你可以花一个学期的时间出国留学吗.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 95.8% of recent graduates from the 英语、文学和现代语言系 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


主修西班牙语的学生通常还需要完成一门额外的课程 主修其他学科,比如全球商业,宣教学, 历史、心理学、社会工作或语言学等等 最常见的组合. 然后他们继续从事自己选择的职业 fields with the distinction of a high degree of fluency in Spanish and 跨文化能力,这使他们有别于单语 候选人.

Some of our recent graduates include an English as a Second Language (非母语英语课程) teacher at a Christian school in Ecuador, 为西班牙裔移民工作的社会工作者, 在费城一家大型拉美裔诊所工作的护士, 我在亚洲有几个英语老师, a 职业al 写r who worked on print materials for a company with branches in 中美洲, 还有几位高中西班牙语老师.

Graduate and 职业al programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some 职业al career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


Your coursework will be complemented by various opportunities on campus.

西班牙留学 — Spend a semester in Valencia, 西班牙, immersed in the culture as you learn.

全球推广 -参加墨西哥的短期宣教活动, 中美洲, 多米尼加共和国, 秘鲁, 和其他讲西班牙语的国家.

部的机会 -找一个 当地部门 在那里你可以与别人分享神的爱和真理. Serve with Campus Bible Fellowship International and minister to Wright State 国际 students through American culture discussion, 非母语英语课程, 建立关系, 和传福音. Explore this and other available ministries, and make an impact for Christ in the community.

西班牙俱乐部 - - - 西班牙俱乐部 是一个学生组织 定期聚会练习西班牙语会话. 他们参加文化活动, 包括当地西班牙教堂的事工, 并举办一年一度的“阿拉班扎之夜”活动,向全体学生开放.

外国电影系列 - - - 外国电影系列 提供了 the Cedarville community an opportunity to view interesting and challenging 电影s from around the world. The series allows viewers to peer into often unfamiliar cultures through the eyes of the cultures themselves.

  • 瓦伦西亚大教堂内部


    Spend a semester in Valencia, 西班牙, and 经验 the culture as you study. 你会有一名沙巴体育的教员陪同, 给你同样优秀的教学,你会在校园体验.


以你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程为基础,你 will take courses in Spanish language, history, culture, literature, and 电影. 西班牙语专业的学生,特别是西班牙语专业的学生 一学期的沉浸式体验,通常达到 ACTFL熟练程度 高级低档.


  • 拉丁美洲文明与文学
  • 西班牙语交谈


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年


