
FAQ: Your Student Account and Payment Options

What are the costs for tuition, housing, and food?

你可以查看所有的本科费用或收费 Cost Information page. 学生可以选择不同的膳食计划,这可能会改变总收费. 研究生的费用会因项目而异,所以请咨询你的学校 program site. Dual Enrollment students, please visit Dual Enrollment to learn more about rates and fees.

What payment plan options does the University offer?

每个符合条件的本科生的费用都会自动设置到大学每学期的标准四次付款计划中, 它允许学生和他们的家庭在90天内分四次付款. 学生可以按照计划或在最初的截止日期全额支付. 在最初的截止日期之后,任何未支付的金额将被收取利息. Use our online payment calculator to develop a financial plan.


Unfortunately, due to Truth in Lending Act requirements, 大学不提供超过90天或超过四次付款的付款计划.


The interactive payment calculator 允许您输入您的估计经济援助计划,以自动计算您的估计每月付款全额和四期付款计划. For specific questions, please contact the cashiers office.

Is there an enrollment fee if I use a payment plan?

雪松维尔支付计划不收取注册费. 超过第一个到期日的未偿余额将按月收取5%的年利率.

I missed a payment plan due date. What will happen?

您错过的付款将被添加到下次付款截止日期的金额中, along with finance charges and a $25 late fee. 过多的余额会阻碍学生在未来的学期入学.

What about late fees?


Is interest applied to my account?

Interest is charged at 5% annual, 在秋季和春季学期,任何超过第一个到期日的未付余额按日计算.


是的,我们接受Visa、MasterCard和Discover信用卡/借记卡.5% convenience fee (minimum fee of $1). Payments can be made online using  Student Finance,亲自到出纳员办公室,或致电937-766-7825.

May I pay my bill online?

Yes, the University provides Student Finance for students to view their outstanding charges, verify dispersed or anticipated financial aid, and to make payments. 您可以用支票或借记卡/信用卡付款. Debit/credit card users will be charged a 2.5% convenience fee, with a minimum fee of $1.

What is the Return Item Fee?



Yes, visit mycu.infographil.com and login with your student credentials. Students accounts can be viewed in Student Finance. 经学生同意的家长或监护人 can also use mycu.infographil.com to view and make payment on the account. 他们首先需要通过点击右上角他们的名字来代理你的账户, 然后选择代理,它会弹出一个带有你名字的弹出框. The final step is to pick you.

Will I receive a paper statement?

Paper statements are available for $3 per month. Use  Student Account Billing Preferences to request paper statements. 或者,您也可以使用中的“查看我的报表”功能打印您自己的纸质报表  Student Finance.


每学期学分35美元的费用适用于在线授课的本科课程,以帮助支付在线授课的成本. 例如,一门三个学分的在线课程每学期将收取105美元的技术费.

When will my bill be available?

学生将在到期日之前大约20-30天收到电子邮件通知,其中包含学期费用. 对于秋季学期,这通常是七月的第二周. 对于春季学期,这通常是12月的第二周.

What if I believe my student account is incorrect?

First review your financial aid in mycu.infographil.com. 你的一些援助可能不在你的账户上,因为你没有完成申请经济援助的所有必要步骤 to your account. 如果您在验证经济资助后仍对费用有疑问,请 contact the Cashiers Office.

I have a cashiers office hold on my account. What should I do?

如果有未偿余额,没有付款安排,或者如果财务条款和条件没有完成,则会对账户进行收银. Please contact the Cashiers Office to make your payment arrangements or visit the  Terms and Conditions page.


Cedarville’s financial aid website is the best source for information about scholarships, loans, and institutional, federal, and state grants. 访问网站或致电1-877-233-2784获取有用信息和资源. In addition, 你可能有资格通过你所在的城镇获得当地或地区奖学金, church, county, state, or organizations. When it comes to pursuing financial aid, be aggressive! Check out every option, 尤其是那些了解你或者因为你的背景而对你感兴趣的协会和组织, qualifications, or anticipated career. 每年都有许多沙巴体育的学生获得私人资助的奖学金. Visit our  scholarship search page for other financial aid resources.

What about student employment?

学生就业是支付大学相关费用的重要组成部分. More than 1,600 students work on campus, typically for 10–12 hours per week, in areas such as the dining hall, office support, grounds crew, and other areas across campus. All students earn Ohio minimum wage or higher, 并每两周一次收到电子付款至他们指定的银行账户.

学生就业(包括联邦工作学习)不列在学生的发票或月度对账单上的经济援助. 联邦勤工俭学奖学金估计仅用于经济援助目的. Actual compensation to the student is based on 他们的工作时间是有效的,并直接支付给学生. 要了解更多关于学生就业和查看或申请当前的职位空缺,请访问 infographil.com/studentemployment.


Please  contact the cashiers office at 937.766.7825 during posted office hours.